Read Your Business Half Hourly Electricity Bill
HH (Half-Hourly) Electricity Bill Explained
- Billing address – the address where your bills are sent to
- Outstanding Balance – balance brought forward from previous bills
- Total fixed charges – total of any fixed charges which will include the Availability charge, combined HH data charges, settlement agency fees and standing charges.
- Total Consumption Charges – total of the day & night usage charges (total units multiplied by the unit rates)
- VAT on £5528.56 @ 17.5% - VAT charged on the Net total
- Account Number – the account number for the site
- Period of Supply – Dates of which the supply period runs to and from
- Date of Invoice – the date the invoice was created
- Invoice – Invoice number
- Supply Address – the actual site address that the electricity has been supplied to
- Availability Charge 200 @ £1.08/KVA – This refers to the agreed supply capacity (ASC) of the site. In this case its 200KVA. The Availability Charge is determined by taking the ASC and multiplying it by the rate e.g. £1.08.
- Combined HH Data Charges – if the customer doesn't have their own agreement with a DC, the supplier will charge to collect the HH data
- Settlement Agency Fee – a charge for the HH data cabling and service
- Standing Charge – a fixed charge passed through and determined by the distribution network operator - covers their maintenance and administration costs of supplying the site. May also include commission.
- Unit Charge DAY/NIGHT RATE – details the rate at pence per kWh hour, the total usage and the amount that will be charged
- Meter Number – this is the meter serial number that appears on front of your meter
- MD – this is the Max Demand, it is the highest peak in any HH during a month period. This can be measured in either kW or kVA (it is detailed below the date and time when the MD occurred)
- Power Factor – this relates to the efficiency of the site. If the site has a poor power factor, the DNO can charge you for this
- Contract Details – tells you how you currently pay for your bills and the payment term period.
- Profile Class – identifies the type of the electricity supply. 00 = Half Hourly Supply, 01-02 = domestic supply (NHH), 03-04 = quarterly supply (NHH) and 05-08 = monthly supply (NHH).
- MPAN Supply Number – Meter Point Administration Number. This number uniquely identifies a meter point and allows suppliers to know what type of metering is installed at site.