MPAN (Meter Point Administration Number)
An MPAN (Meter Point Administration Number) is a unique number to the property. It is found on the electricity bill issued by your supplier. This is sometimes called a Supply Number but it should not be confused by your customer reference number.
The full MPAN is 21 digits in length and should be printed in the format below on a recent electricity bill.
Meter Time Switch Code (MTC)
The Meter Time Switch Code indicates how many registers (set of meter reads or dials) your electricity meter has and what times they will operate during the day. The Meter Time Switch Code will show if your meter has two registers, one which records day consumption, the other night.
Line Loss Factor (LLF)
The Line Loss Factor code stipulates the expected costs the distribution company will charge the supplier for using the cables and network in your region. This Line Loss Factor code will also indicate to the electricity supplier the potential charges incurred, due to loss of energy incurred whilst getting the electricity supplier to your meter.
Distributor ID
The Distributor ID will identify the local Distribution Company for your electricity supply. The Distribution company is responsible for management of the distribution system and electricity wires which transports the electricity to your meter.
- 10 - Eastern Electricity
- 11 - East Midlands Electricity
- 12 - London Electricity
- 13 - MANWEB
- 14 - Midlands Electricity
- 15 - Northern Electricity
- 16 - NORWEB
- 17 - Scottish Hydro-Electric
- 18 - Scottish Power
- 19 - Seeboard
- 20 - Southern Electricity
- 21 - SWALEC
- 22 - SWEB
- 23 - Yorkshire Electricity
Meter Point ID Number
This is a unique number within the distribution area to identify the actual metering point.
Check Digit
This number is calculated from the Distributor ID and Meter Point ID Number to provide a check digit that other systems can use to validate the both numbers.