Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS)
What is the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme?
The Government introduced the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) in 2014 to incentivise large businesses to implement energy saving measures and help cut UK carbon emissions. (A government target has been set to cut carbon emissions by 20% by 2020.) The scheme is a mandatory energy assessment and energy saving identification scheme for large undertakings (and their corporate groups). ESOS applies throughout the UK and will run in repeat every four years.
Qualification Criteria
The ESOS scheme applies to all large undertakings that carries out trade or a business, and any corporate group where at least one member of the UK group meets the ESOS criteria.
A large undertaking is one that employs at least 250 people
Has an annual turnover in excess of €50 million and a balance sheet in excess of €43 million.
Most public-sector bodies do not need to comply, but other organisations that receive some public funding, such as universities, may qualify.
We are now in phase 2 of ESOS Compliance, with a deadline date of 5th December 2019. Ensuring that you have an effective energy management strategy is key to improving and promoting your businesses' energy efficiency.
How we can help
Our team of approved ESOS Lead Assessors can assist you in complying with ESOS Phase 2. We offer an end to end solution, from the initial energy assessment through to recommending changes to improve energy efficiency and overall costs. During phase 1 of ESOS (2011-2015), we identified almost £9 million worth of energy conservation measures for our clients. By starting the process to compliance now will help you to reduce the risk of disruption during the compliance process and it will allow you to get the maximum financial value.
What if I don't comply?
The Environment Agency, England's official compliance body is authorised to apply civil penalties
including fines against non-compliant organisations, ranging from £5,000 to £50,000. The
Environment Agency will also have the right to publish information regarding non-compliance including
the company name and the penalty amount, which could also result in reputational damage.
The ESOS scheme provides a real benefit to businesses by improving their energy efficiency and huge
financial savings, but it can also actively promote your businesses green credentials. To start your
compliance to ESOS Phase 2, contact our team on 0191 300 6363.